5 Minute All-Grain IPA!
5 Minute IPA
Batch Size: 3 gal Boil Size: 3.1 gal Boil Time: 5.000 min
Efficiency: 77% OG: 1.053 FG: 0.996 ABV: ~6.5%
Bitterness: 38.5 IBUs Color: 5 SRM
Pale Malt (2 Row) 3 lb
Aromatic Malt 3 oz
Vienna Malt Grain 12 oz
Corn Sugar 8 oz
Wheat, Flaked 1 lb
Total: 5.437 lb
Green Bullet 2 oz First Wort
Green Bullet 1 oz Boil 5 min
Cascade 1 oz Boil 5 min
Green Bullet 2 oz Flameout (20 minute)
Cascade 2 oz Flameout (20 minute)
Green Bullet 1 oz Dry Hop 3 day
Cascade 1 oz Dry Hop 3 day
WLP566 - Belgian Saison II Yeast Ale - 1.3L starter
154F for 30 minutes [this went longer]

Tags for this post: IPA, boil, homebrew, f minute
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These types of experiments are great. I always do a full 60 min mash, then a 10-15 batch sparge at 168F. Altogether, it probably takes 75 minutes for the sach rest and vorlauf and lautering, plus the sparge time plus vorlauf and lautering. I am thinking from what I have read in different blogs/forums, I probably do not need to do a full 60 minute mash, maybe I could get away with closer to 45 minutes. Every little bit of times helps to shorten the brewday.
Nice job on your beer! Glad it turned out well! How long do you usually do your mash for?
posted by th3beerman on 3/26/2015 at 09:03:18 AM
@th3beerman I typically mash 30 minutes and check gravity to make sure it has converted as expected. This time, I went over an hour as I just let it sit until I could get away from the newborn.
posted by skunkfunk on 3/26/2015 at 10:22:03 AM
wow, fascinating. The fact that you personally like the beer is what matters most. Cannot wait to see if you try this again. It must have been hard to figure out how much hops to use, considering the 5 minute boil? interesting how bitter it ended up being.
I'm experimenting with 30 m boil/30 min mash: onepotbrewing.wordpress.com
posted by One Pot Brewing on 4/10/2015 at 09:27:22 AM