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You are here: Home --> Forum Home --> Brewing Forum --> Brewing Discussion --> Anyone use Swaen Malts before?

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Charter Member
Atlanta, GA
595 Posts

Looks like LabelPeelers just started carrying it, which is how I stumbled on it:

It's from the Netherlands.

They are a little heavy on the marketing for me, but their descriptions look good, and they seem to be including a lot of detail of their process which is great. they offer a very wide array of products. Especially the variety of their crystal malts. They seem to cover the whole range of degrees L.

I'd like to try something, but I'm not really sure where to start. Maybe one of the Crystals or the Biscuit in a Saison?

Posted 34 days ago.

Charter Member
Birmingham, AL
2480 Posts

Hrm. These look interesting. I'm always down for trying new ingredients!

Posted 34 days ago.

314 Posts

Yes. These are the maltsers that where once part of the Grolsch brewery (the local brewery here) and they are now in the hands that once owned the Grolsch brewery, the Groen family. Very good malts from the best, French, barley. Their wheat malt grain size is 2/3 of that of Weyermann or Dingemans. The Pilsner, Munich and Wheat malts are excellent. I have a few others here but not brewed with them yet.

Only problem I have is their naming convention, for some malts it's not clear what they exactly are.

Posted 34 days ago.

Charter Member
Birmingham, AL
2480 Posts

I'm beginning to think that we need an "Ask Ingoogni" feature here at BU.

Posted 34 days ago.

314 Posts

Been at the Swaen maltsers recently. They used to produce mainly Pilsner malt for Grolsch and a few other things. Now under the new ownership they have switched focus to specialty malts, there are more than 60 in collection. Target market, the smaller craft brewers in Europe, US and Africa.
There are two malthouses, an old one with Saladin boxes and a new one with movable bottoms (hard to explain device). Next to the new malthouse is the biggest and brand new roasting unit of europe. There have been quite some investments there, good to see.

Posted 34 days ago.

Charter Member
Birmingham, AL
2480 Posts

I would love to try their stuff. I love trying new ingredients.

Posted 34 days ago.

Wenham, MA
45 Posts

Similar Question about a different Malting company.
Has anyone used Stone Path?
They are located in western MASS and apparently have been supplying commercial customers in New England and are now distributing (at least locally) to home brew retailers. I stumbled across them because they showed up at Beer & Wine Hobby in Woburn, MA. 

Posted 34 days ago.

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