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Used my gift certificate from the BU contest to help pay for one of these. It arrived today. Holy crap, it's awesome. Huge, heavy, made my old chiller feel inferior (it is). Can't wait to use it.
Posted 34 days ago.
Awesome! I can promise that you won't be disappointed. Easily one of the best pieces of gear that I own.
Posted 34 days ago.
It's incredibly effective
Posted 34 days ago.
You totally missed the pokemon opportunity, there.
It's SUPER effective!
Sigh. The solitude of a nerd...
Sigh. The solitude of a nerd...
Posted 34 days ago.
Don't feel bad Olan - I'm a nerd, but and elderly nerd. My kids were the ones who paid attention to Pokemon. :-)
But more importantly, now I know I need to get one of these chillers.
Posted 34 days ago.
They are AMAZING. 5.5 gallons from boiling to 70ish in under six minutes.
Posted 34 days ago.
Who brews 5.5 gallon batches anymore?!?!
Posted 34 days ago.
*this guy*
Posted 34 days ago.
Those of us that have to brew indoors for half the damn year :(
Posted 34 days ago.
With the amount I give away for xmbt tasters, I'm brewing 20gallons pretty often just to ensure supply.
Posted 34 days ago.
Oh, look at me! I'm an exBEERimentor for the most important homebrewing site in the world. I can't be bothered with mortal batch sizes, you silly plebes...
Posted 34 days ago.
The homebrew scene up here is a bit weaker than it was in Portland. I can't give this stuff away!
5 gallons is really, really easy to do though, especially after what I've been doing the last few years.
Posted 34 days ago.
|Who brews 5.5 gallon batches anymore?!?!
Uh, hand up.
Still bottling too. Sue me.
Posted 34 days ago.
Still bottling too. Sue me.
Well now youre just being a heathen.
Posted 34 days ago.
I was kidding about the smaller batches, though even without xbmts, its kind of hard to fathom less than 10 gallons, just for the amount of family and what not we have around.
Posted 34 days ago.