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oooh how cryptic ;)
No problem
Posted 34 days ago.
@RockStarBrew: I'm pretty sure I know what those are but I'll leave that for @homebrewdad to reveal.
Posted 34 days ago.
The thing is that those are probably scores, but the scores have yet to be completely entered and audited. And since they aren't supposed to be showing yet, I'm not sure if they are even matched to the entries in question.
So I'd rather not get anyone's hopes up (or make them unnecessarily upset) since I don't have confidence in the display yet.
Posted 34 days ago.
This being my first competition, I would be pleased if those were my scores. I will not be upset no matter what. I'm not hoping to medal, just to get good feedback.
But since American beers aren't finished up yet, I have to wonder *if* those were my scores, whether I was seeing composite scores, one for each beer, or two individual scores for just the SMaSH beer with the placeholder links up. They were only 1 point off from each other.
Anyway that speculation is supposed to be going on in my head. Basically I'm just really nervous, because I made what I thought to be a fantastic IPA, but I sampled two of the extra bottles in my fridge the other night, and one of them had lost all its hop flavor and aroma, causing it to come across as way too sweet. I was very disappointed. Next competition, I will only brew one hoppy style, and I'll save it for my last brew day before competition submissions. This one was kegged about 2 months ago and bottled 1 month ago.
I haven't even gotten my score sheets back, and I already learned at least one lesson. Progress!
Posted 34 days ago.
Yeah, I kinda goofed this round too and brewed my English IPA too early. I already had a Saison on tap and didn't want to brew a 2nd so soon. I should just brewed my EIPA like two weeks before turn-in. Fall is hard for me though, I'm usually travelling half of September.
Posted 34 days ago.
That's the attitude!
I can't say what those scores are; I don't think that any American scores have been entered yet. Again, there's just no telling what is pulling there, as there isn't supposed to be ANYTHING there now. :)
Posted 34 days ago.
Just reading between the lines... what you're saying is that's the number of prizes that I won?
I'm totally awestruck. I mean, I didn't even enter that many beers! I wonder if that means I also won the grand prize. It must mean that. I'm jumping up and down right now. HOLY CRAP! I've never been this happy in my entire life!
I just called my wife. We've emptied our life's savings and we're planning a 3 month trip to Italy to celebrate. We won't need that money anyway, as I should be able to stumble my way into a successful brewing career as soon as we get back. I mean with these sorts of scores, it's a no brainer!
lol just kidding :)
Posted 34 days ago.
That is exactly what I'm saying/not saying.
Posted 34 days ago.

Posted 34 days ago.
Can't. Stop. Checking. When oh when is the suspense over?
Posted 34 days ago.
Can't. Stop. Checking. When oh when is the suspense over?
Posted 34 days ago.
Sorry. American should wrap tonight. Continental hopes for the same.
Posted 34 days ago.
Don't be sorry! You are doing great work! I'm just impatient
Posted 34 days ago.
Be sure to thank the site directors. They are the real MVPs.
Posted 34 days ago.
Thanks site directors! Any word on if judging finished last night?

Posted 34 days ago.
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