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Well, "typical", as in "stupid". I've actually never done this one before.
Made a 3l starter tonight - 7 gallons of 1.070 beer, plus saving an extra 100B cells, means a big starter!
I got going late, considered waiting until tomorrow, but I wanted to be sure to have enough time to really let the thing spin to completion, then cold crash. So I resisted procrastination.
Got the wort done, yeast nutrient added, stirbar going, spinning on the first try. Time to clean up and go to bed.
Yep, I had forgotten to pitch the yeast. Fortunately, I remembered... this time.
I wish I wasn't quite so good at screw-ups.
Posted 34 days ago.
Murphy's on his way back South. He'll be there in time for brew day!
Posted 34 days ago.
Bite your filthy tongue.
Posted 34 days ago.
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