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Yanamari is working on design ideas for the logo, doing some refining, etc.
In the meantime... does anyone have any good design ideas for the site itself? Any sites you really like the look of? I expect a full facelift when we make the change.
Posted 34 days ago.
My homebrew club is looking for a new logo as well.. I wish I was artistically inclined..
Posted 34 days ago.
You might want to contact @Yanamari; she does commissions.
Posted 34 days ago.
Indeed! I can create a few logos or help with label design if anyone needs. I do have a paypal and charge pretty cheap. I've been helping Olan with beer labels for a year or so. I have a couple more to finish up for him, and have openings to do work for others.
I have a varied art style, with a sampling of work here: jadehorn.deviantart.com/
Posted 34 days ago.
Just to follow up, we finally have a logo more or less ready. Design issues are in the works; hopefully, we'll have a full facelift for the site very soon.
Posted 34 days ago.
Awesome! I can't wait to see the new look
Posted 34 days ago.