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So, these recipe critique and discussion threads are pretty few and far between, and even with new threads, there isn't a ton of discussion. It's probably not a bad thing, I'm guessing most of us have things figured out for the most part and only need little bits of information rather than the whole picture. Nevertheless, I'd like to see more activity and get more discussions going.
So, I'm floating an idea and want to see who would be interested. I'm thinking of starting a Weekly Thread (not on Tuesdays, I'm usually pretty busy those days) somewhat similar to what I currently do on /r/homebrewing but with a different twist. Those threads focus on the history and theory of sub-styles, which is great, but is really only half the picture. I was thinking that this second discussion might side-step theory and focus more on practice: things to do, things to avoid, special techniques that work surprisingly well, etc. For example, a lot of us know that Olan likes to boil down first runnings for his oatmeal stout, but many of us wouldn't even think of this idea.
I'm more or less brainstorming here. I'm open to ideas as well, but right now all I want is some feedback as to whether or not this sounds like a good idea to you all.
Posted 34 days ago.
Weekly threads would be rad.
Posted 34 days ago.
Hey, I love it. I think that this is a great idea.
Pick a day, any day!
Posted 34 days ago.
How about Thursdays? Not today, I'm just looking for input at this point.
Posted 34 days ago.
I think that makes great sense.
Posted 34 days ago.
Makes sense... thanks to everyone over at the Reddit site for moderating and doing so much. It's a great resource and so much better than even just a year ago!
Posted 34 days ago.
I would love it, and Thursday seem like a good day.
Posted 34 days ago.
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