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I'm currently re-visiting my Hopburst IPA recipe that I started working on 2 years ago after reading Mitch Steele's article on Hop Bursting in Zymurgy. I pretty much copied his recipe from the issue and tweaked it to my taste (changed the hop profile and replaced the crystal malt with a blend of kilned base malts). I haven't brewed it, but I figure "screw it", I'm going to use it as the base for my first beer with rye. I've opted to replace half of my 2-row with rye, or about 40% of the grist. Naturally I'll use rice hulls, but I wanted to get some insight from the community if they have brewed something similar as this is my first foray into Rye-PAs.
Posted 34 days ago.
Edited 34 days ago by jeffrife
I like the hopping schedule a lot. FWH for bitterness, everything else late. Dryhop seems a little small to me, but that's obviously a personal taste thing.
Posted 34 days ago.
Edited 34 days ago by homebrewdad
Thanks. I can easily add an extra ounce or two of both, which would bring it more in line with other recipes I have seen. The original recipe from Mitch called for 4oz of dry hopping, so I am extremely low on that. 2.8-3 is much better in my opinion. I think when I wrote this up, I was going by what I had on hand
Posted 34 days ago.
Edited 34 days ago by jeffrife
Olan, you've done a few rye beers before, correct?
Posted 34 days ago.
I use rye pretty frequently in the 5% or so range so - it's a nice little spice addition. I have done a 55% roggenbier, as well.
Nothing really in between, though it's on my to do list.
Posted 34 days ago.
My thinking is that it will maintain some body as my recipe should be very dry and also add some of that nice spicing
Posted 34 days ago.
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