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This was my first competition and I entered it because it was less intimidating since I "knew" some people involved through Reddit and this website. That being said, the communication from Olan & the rest of the organizers/judges made it easy to know what to do and I love the behind-the-scenes stuff. Now that I know what judges & organizers are typically doing, I have a better sense for how things go.
So echoing what Chal just said - knowing how this works from both sides of the competition was something I didn't expect to get when I started but I'm glad I've learned.
Posted 34 days ago.
Thanks for the feedback, guys. It's been a bit of a learning experience for me, too, seeing as how this is the first competition I have organized.
Posted 34 days ago.
Same Olan. I was hoping after RHC was done you andi could compare notes on running a national online comp. I'd really like to streamline RHC for next year
Posted 34 days ago.
We should totally do a google hangout soon.
Posted 34 days ago.
Its been a while since weve done a drunken late night hangout.
Posted 34 days ago.
I'd be happy to compare notes. Yay hangout!
Posted 34 days ago.