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But depending on the gravity of the wort and the yeast strain used, you'll miss the mark by some amount. Using the "measure the wort temp" method keeps the beer within one degree F of the target temp (in my experience).
Posted 34 days ago.
Yeah, i see where youre coming from. It should even out.
It'd never work for me though. I have to do dual stage temp control for most of the temp controlling i do (lagers in the spring time), so by measuring the wort temp i'd end up with my freezer going 20 degrees too cold, and then the blow dryer would kick in and it'd get too hot, back and forth, etc.
Posted 34 days ago.
Maybe i can help... That buffer is not as significant as you may think. Here's why.
It's not like you are trying to drop the beer by 30 degrees. Otherwise it would overshoot a bit. Cycling by 1 degree isn't going to take all that long.
Secondly, it has to do with thermal mass. The beer, being 5 gallons of liquid, is the vast majority of the thermal mas in the freezer. So yes, the ambient temp in the freezer may drop below zero. But in terms of affecting the beer it is still insignificant as not much thermal energy is actually there to be transferred.
So i guess while the lag you are talking about is somewhat real, in practice it won't overshoot all that much.
Posted 34 days ago.
I mean, regardless of whether or not it's waterproof or not, the question for me is whether it is food grade?
It is coming from China, and they have an affinity for lead additives that is a little disconcerting.
I won't be dropping an STC-1000 probe in my beer anytime soon.
Posted 34 days ago.
hmmm, well if it's not food grade and I start to go insane from lead poisoning, you know who to blame.
Posted 34 days ago.