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Please don't throw me in that briar patch!
Posted 34 days ago.
Dude, giving away clean Delabeled bottles will make you popular at a homebrew club.
Posted 34 days ago.
>We live in a pretty unique culture, and frankly in the rest of the world
i'd sort of
>agree with him. German lagers, British ales, etc have all
been tried and true for
>hundreds upon hundreds of years.
Mwha, there are some big cracks in the time line of "western world" beer. Full scale introduction/acceptance of hops ~500 y ago, Fridge 1834, Pasteur 1857, WWI, Prohibition (as a local crack), WWII.
80% of Germany did not produce lagers on large scale before Bayern
WWI made Belgian beer reinvent itself yet again, in the 19th
century they had to relearn brewing from the Britts.
The crack created by Pasteur is so wide we cannot estimate what varieties of beer there where, taste wise, before the "great clean up".
The history of modern beers is about 100 years old.
Posted 34 days ago.
Edited 34 days ago by ingoogni
Kegged this baby tonight. Nailed my intended FG on the nose. Probably only ~4.5 gallons of beer, but I can deal with that. Had a teeny taste of the flat beer, and I think that I may have something delicious on hand.
Set it to a fuzz over 40 PSI and stuck it in the freezer. I'll pull a pint tomorrow night.
Posted 34 days ago.
Beer isn't fully carbed yet, and is a little cloudy. Just a fuzz more bitter than I expected it to be... but I have to say, I'm really pleased with this.
It's basically an amber colored cousin to an APA. It's a little sweet up front, which I expected, and has some serious fruity esters - but not in a bad way. That earthy/spicy rye character is pretty obvious, here (which is exactly what I wanted). Way more caramel flavor than I expected, what with only 12 ounces of c-malt in a 5.5 gallon batch. Light body, really easy to drink.
I'll be interested to see how it is after, say, a week of being kegged (where it will theoretically be both better carbed and more clear). I'd love to know what some decent beer tasters think of it, too... Stonehands, you want to meet up in a week or so? I'll give you some of my weird experimental beer, maybe you'll give me some of your gold medal winning swill. Fair trades all around, right? ;)
Posted 34 days ago.
The more I drink this, the more it reminds me of, say, a bitter or the like. I mean, it's clearly not the same thing... but I can't get over how much flavor I'm getting out of a sub 5% ABV beer.
I think that I may need another pint for science.
Posted 34 days ago.
Careful, dont get hungover tomorrow...
I need to find a way to replicate a beer like Moon Man. Though i'd really like to up the ABV a bit and get a bit more sweetness in it (well, body at least).
Though in two months i'd love to have a moon man clone, too...or at least the malt bill of moon man with Cascade and some late Centennial.
I should be brewing again next weekend. I think im going to rebrew the BU Amber then. Ill have to plan out the next weekend's brew day after that. Weather is finally warming up again...It might crack 60 by friday!
(fucking kill me. Still only 34 tomorrow)
I need to find a way to replicate a beer like Moon Man. Though i'd really like to up the ABV a bit and get a bit more sweetness in it (well, body at least).
Though in two months i'd love to have a moon man clone, too...or at least the malt bill of moon man with Cascade and some late Centennial.
I should be brewing again next weekend. I think im going to rebrew the BU Amber then. Ill have to plan out the next weekend's brew day after that. Weather is finally warming up again...It might crack 60 by friday!
(fucking kill me. Still only 34 tomorrow)
Posted 34 days ago.
Welp, I'm pleasantly buzzed now. I think that I love this beer.
Posted 34 days ago.
To be fair, isn't a pint enough to get you buzzed?
Posted 34 days ago.
Two, thanks.
I wish I was kidding.
Actually, I don't, because it makes it easy for me to experience this joy
Posted 34 days ago.