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BrewUnited's Downloadable Yeast Starter Calculator

Get started with starters today!
You may be familiar with the online version of our yeast calculator, which allows you to calculate what size yeast starter you need based on the batch size and original gravity of the beer you are brewing. If you like, you can have the calculator account for overbuilding your starter by any amount of yeast cells, which will allow you to harvest those extra cells for later beers. To me, the best feature if the fact that the calculator automatically accounts for multiple steps, if required, and accounts for the size flask that you have.

You may prefer to have a copy of the calculator that does not require an internet connection. If you own a copy of Microsoft Excel, you are in luck!

Deryk Morrish (/u/inbredded_system at reddit) took it upon himself to convert our online calculator to a downloadable Excel version. Thanks, Deryk!

You may freely download the calculator for your own personal use. You may share copies of the calculator with others. However, we do ask that you do not host the calculator for download at any other website, file repository, or other online location; instead, please redirect others to this page. That way, when updates and bug fixes are released, we can ensure that everyone has access to the latest version.

Download Yeast Starter Calculator v1.1

Release log
12.4.2014: Update to ensure greater backward compatibility (1.1)
12.2.2014: Initial release (1.0)