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I am afraid of the answer...
So yesterday, the primary waterheater took a dump. Literally. It was just 4 years old, but the lime buildup ate through the steel - and it leaked out. No ceiling damage thankfully - but being in the attic it's a chore to replace. Fortunately our local plumbing company is good - showed up this morning.
BUT - their supplier couldn't get a replacement model on the fly - so we paid the premium of Home Depot consumer prices and had a new one installed.
While they were here, we scheduled to have the kitchen faucet replaced, and I ordered overnight a slick new tower faucet with a pot filler. Damned thing was a Euro model and the flange is barely long enough to support the tower. It's installed but the Hot and Cold are backward to US standards. Figures.
Then while all this was going on - I lost about 75% of my rework on the Bru'n Water 3.0 tutorial. Used to working in Word, but that is no longer supported properly - so used the Post client to write. Bad idea. TWC went out - completely dark. I need a recommendation on a simple blog editor that works with Wordpress. Copied the post to memory just in case... noticed when my periodic save returned an HTTP error and then...
Wife yells about the television (DTV) when the picture went all fubar. Reset the AVR, TV and STB - still hosed. She leaves for a movie with her mother in a huff. Had to replace a HDMI cable. Seriously and I work for THX and I had a crappy a$$ HDMI cable. No idea where that PoS Monster garbage came from... and then...
Full power outtage. Whole house went dark. Computer shut off (and everything else) - lost the copy of the BWS post into the ether. Dogs freaked out. Plumber comes running in - his guy is in the back of the attic, in the dark and left his flashlight in the truck (we have lights up there). So ran up - flashlights and led him back to safety.
So no internet, phone or power. Signed a big fat check to the plumbers and they left.
Poured a beer and sat in the dark. Spilled some on me.
As you can see, about 2 hours later, power and internet restored. Still PO'ed. Going to watch a movie if the darned thing will work. I am done for today. If anyone asks, I am drinking in a dark corner in the bedroom afraid to touch anything or move. Not even going to fix the clocks.
Posted 34 days ago.
Edited 34 days ago by mchrispen
That sucks, man. This is even worse than one of my typical days!
Posted 34 days ago.
Man, I hope that beer is the start of the upswing.
Posted 34 days ago.
Sorry Matt. Surprise outages are never any fun.
Story time. This will make you feel better.........
Long time family dog dies in Winter. I decide, cheap ass that I am, to bury her myself in the back yard. State regulations are 3 feet down. So, I dig a hole 3 feet deep in the back yard near the garage apartment. As I get to 3 feet, I hit some roots with the shovel and decide it's close enough. Fast forward a few months later to the summer and I'm having trouble with brown outs on one side of the house. WTF? I call the power company to come out. They go back to the main power area, dig, find the remains of the dog and the rusted through power line I nicked with the shovel. Ooops.
Posted 34 days ago.
Edited 34 days ago by vinpaysdoc
Oh man, that would suck!
Posted 34 days ago.
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