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Is there a way to import BeerXMLs into the recipe forum? I don't want to submit this recipe to the recipe database until it has been vetted and tweaked some more, but I am looking for an easy way to make it viewable for everyone as I discuss it. If not, I'll just include screenshots of beersmith as I post, which is no big deal
Posted 34 days ago.
Sorry, there is not. The import tool works for the recipe database, but there's no good way to import into the forum. I'm not sure how that could even work.
Posted 34 days ago.
No worries, just figured I'd ask before I started linking screen shots from my blog
Posted 34 days ago.
we know someone that could help with that :) 'cept he is gorging on begneits in Nolo.
Posted 34 days ago.
erk... so I just tried to upload my Mild via BeerXML and got an error... followed up by manually entered and it doesn't show in the list or in My Admin tools.
Posted 34 days ago.
Hmm. I'll check the mild. What was the error, can you email the file to me?
If the recipe doesn't show in the list, it's usually because you didn't pick a style... which it's supposed to force you to do. :/
Posted 34 days ago.
I emailed you the XML. Just tried again a little bit ago and it worked fine. No error message. Will make a point to copy the error report number... it was a php script error with a line number.
I am wondering if the import worked this time where my manual post did not - I am sure I just put Mild in the manual post, rather than the 11a part.
FYI - thanks for doing this forum and site - I know it's a labor of love.
Posted 34 days ago.
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