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Promised to post this here...
Bought a bag of BestMalz Red X, which I had been told was a sort of super Vienna. This was 95% Red X with 5% CaraPils and mashed for 90 minutes @ 152F. My RTD got screwed up a bit - so this was more like 154-156F.
Magnum for bittering and late hops and whirlpool with Amarillo, Willamette and Columbus. Dry hopped with Amarillo and Willamette. Pitched Nottingham, rehydrated.
OG was 1.060 (got great efficiency, targeted 1.055 which supposedly is the target for the bright red). FG was high around 1.018.
Fined with BioFine (found some old stuff sitting around) at 32F.
This is a bit of a confusing beer because of the malt. Incredible hop aroma and flavor, but I would put Red X more like a Super Munich. This is a malt bomb, but still finishes fairly dry considering the high finished gravity. Starts sweet, bitterness and hop flavor in the middle and finishes with an incredibly mild toast/nutty aftertaste. I can't stop drinking it!
Not worthy yet to post properly as a recipe. Will need to refine it a bit. Red X maybe my go-to munich replacement in pales and IPA!

Posted 34 days ago.
I had read about Red X, and had been wanting to try it. Thanks for the report, as I hadn't read of anyone actually using it.
Munich replacement, eh? Heh, I think that I need to see if my LHBS can get this...
Posted 34 days ago.
Red-X is not a single malt, it's a blend. Pils, Cara and Melanoidin IIRC.
'Needs' quite some bitterness to counter plus a high attenuation.
Posted 34 days ago.
Ingoogni - Can I ask where you got that info? It is not on the english version of the Best site... and the malt analysis sheet doesn't mention blending.
Given this first batch - it does make some sense, although I only did a 60 minute boil. No DMS at least.
Posted 34 days ago.
From a maltser of Best Malz at the BrauBeviale Neurenberg (biggest european beer fair).
Actually, there are some blended malts out there but mostly not in this way. In Brown malt I sometimes get a blend of rather light and rather dark malts and it tastes different too, more salty licorice like (sal ammoniac?). Another blend is Maris Otter, a blend of MO and some other type of barley to keep the proteins, or was it nitrogen, within spec.
Posted 34 days ago.
Edited 34 days ago by ingoogni
That is cool. I am worried now that the pils content might be high enough to cause some problems... Have to say I am really enjoying this beer. I don't get any typical crystal sweetness or the dark fruit I get sometimes from continental crystal/caramels.
Posted 34 days ago.
Oops, had the blend components wrong, Munich, Melanoidin and a (lighter) Cara.
Posted 34 days ago.
That makes more sense. Sounds like additions of melanoiden or caraPils is completely unnecessary.
Posted 34 days ago.
Yes. I used it 100% @ OG1055 with an Amarillo Bramling-X combo and one with Pacifc Jade.
For stronger beers I'd use some pale to 'dilute' it a bit. Red-X could also be a base for a nice Schwartz, pinch of black malt and that H�rlimann yeast that seems to go on for ever to dry it out. Could also work well in a Flemish red-brown.
Posted 34 days ago.
I was thinking a bright red wild ale might be nice... but the malt is so strong... would need to back it down a bit with some wheat and two row.
Posted 34 days ago.
Made a sour red with 75 Munich and 25% Aromatic with 2nd gen. Roeselaere Blend last october, have not tasted it yet.
Posted 34 days ago.
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