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Gotta brew for an Octoberfest coming in a few months. I know maibock isn't traditional for the festival - but... it's a style I have never brewed, but have tasted in Germany a couple of times. I would settle for a great helles bock :) <insert golf clap>
Prefer to get a good start on this rather than running through a couple of tests.
Posted 34 days ago.
Talk to Stonehands. He has an amazing Helles bock that I've had, and he apparently has a batch of liquid amazing in his current Maibock; I'm hoping that he hooks me up with some this week.
Posted 34 days ago.
OK, here's one I have in the keg that is awesome. I'm torn between drinking it all in one sitting or hoarding it so nobody else can have it...
6 Gallons post boil:
11 lbs Weyermann Pilsner
3 lbs Weyermann Munich II
6 oz Weyermann Acidulated (which is also pils....but I digress)
1oz Magnum at 60 minutes, not sure on the final IBU in the beer, probably mid 20's
Your favorite lager yeast (I Like WLP 833)
OG 1.066
FG 1.012
This one I did double infusion, short protein rest at 125F (10 minutes) and then a 60 minute rest at 150F. My final water/grain ratio was 1.65 qt/lb.
Chill to below pitching temp, ferment at the bottom end of the yeast range (I did 50F with 833) and pitch a lot of yeast. For this I used about 1/3 of a cake from a Munich helles. Ferment at temp until complete - or let Marshall talk you into the quick lager method (which would be fine I bet), and then lager. This one I used gelatin in the keg, came out looking and tasting like liquid gold. Spot on color wise to Hofbrau Maibock (I'll be cocky and say mine is a touch better tastewise).
I use my water profile for helles on this one, which is about 50% distilled water and 50% Birmingham water (which is low in all minerals as-is). I cut it a bit due to the sulfates. I also add about a teaspoon of calcium chloride back to it. The acid malt takes it the rest of the way on pH. If you're not sure on your water - maybe use 100% distilled - I think this one requires low minerals in your water since it doesn't have any strong flavors to hide any flaws.
Good luck and keep us posted!
Posted 34 days ago.
Oh, and this isn't quite a oktoberfest bier either. Don't get me started on that....
Posted 34 days ago.
Lol yeah I know on the octoberfest... just helping a buddy put together a ton of German beers. Last year there were 150 folks - and 50 gallons disappeared in 3 hours. So expanding on his octoberfest, dunkel, weiss, kristal weiss and helles. I will probably do a straight up Alt as well.
That recipe looks really good. I have one from a German book that is similar, but uses a lot of hallertau as FWH and a small dose at 15. I need to think through this more.
Ouch - "If you're not sure on your water - maybe use 100% distilled - I think
this one requires low minerals in your water since it doesn't have any
strong flavors to hide any flaws." You wound me sir!
Posted 34 days ago.
A Maibock in July? You monster!
Posted 34 days ago.
All I can say, is listen to Rob (Stonehands) on these German lagers. Guy has multiple NHC medals to back him up.
Posted 34 days ago.
"You wound me sir!"
Ha!, no just giving my normal spiel for light colored German beers. Sorry Matt, if I had paid attention to who posted this, probably wouldn't have gone through that. My advice still stands though, at least until Marshall says that water and everything else doesn't matter....
Posted 34 days ago.
Oh yeah, water matters... or I have wasted a few years. Good advice though! I was just giving you a hard time. I start with 100% RO - so will have to build it. Now I need to decide if I want to decoct or just step mash. Step infusions and decoctions suck on my system.
Now about listening to Marshall... I mean really. He wears a fanny pack!
Posted 34 days ago.
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