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You are here: Home --> Forum Home --> Brewing Forum --> Brewing Discussion --> How warm is too warm for lagering?

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Charter Member
Birmingham, AL
2480 Posts

So, my latest disaster beer (the attempt at a Hofbrau Oktoberfest) is lagering away.

Only my mini fridge is apparently trying to give up the ghost.  I usually lager at 0.5 degrees C (33 degrees F), but the coldest I've managed to get the mini fridge is 3.9 degrees C (39 degrees F), and it often drifts up as high as 7.3 degrees C (45 degrees F) when the basement warms up. 

45 F seems awfully warm for proper lagering.  As I understand it, the process will finish quicker at a warmer temp, but am I looking at more potential issues from it being so warm?

Feedback is much appreciated.

Posted 34 days ago.

Charter Member
Atlanta, GA
595 Posts

Who lagers traditionally anymore?

I kid of course, but the newfangled wisdom is that the lagering process is simply for clarity and particulate dropping out, etc. There isn't much if any yeast activity going on at such cold temps. So brewers doing faster lagers use finings and filters to make this process a lot faster since that's all that's really happening during the lager phase.

Even the old wisdom says that lagering happens faster at colder temps, not warmer temps. Which would seem to support the newfangled wisdom.

I serve from a keg, so that's my lagering phase, and having tasted my lagers over time I think they are best when they are fresh. So my advice would be to bottle that junk as soon as it's clear.

Posted 34 days ago.
Edited 34 days ago by testingapril

Charter Member
Birmingham, AL
2480 Posts

Thanks for the insight.

Posted 34 days ago.

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