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Looks like the four strains are:
1. S. arlingtonesis
2. Sour solera blend (ever-changing blend of Sacch, Brett, and bugs)
3. Funk Weapon Series: #1 (blend of Brett or Brett-like yeast from West Flanders brewery)4. The Magi (Conan)
$10 each. No details on packaging or cell counts that I saw.
Posted 34 days ago.
Cool! I might have to jump into that release.
Posted 34 days ago.
Hey, Chino used the listpost successfully!
Posted 34 days ago.
Hey Chino,
Saw this on their page.
"Cultures will be 50ml liquid slurries inside foil packs. Just sanitize the outside, tear and pour. Starters are recommended if using as a primary fermentor."
Saw this on their page.
"Cultures will be 50ml liquid slurries inside foil packs. Just sanitize the outside, tear and pour. Starters are recommended if using as a primary fermentor."
Posted 34 days ago.
Funk weapon sounds exactly what I'm looking for in my Old Ale. Yessssssss
Posted 34 days ago.
Yeah, Funk Weapon sounds awesome. I'll be sitting on F5 waiting to buy. I love jumping on these new yeasts right out of the gate.
Posted 34 days ago.
And just noticed I've posted on this thread already, damn.
If for some reason Funk Weapon sells out before you get some Dan, and I do, I'll spin you a starter or two.
Posted 34 days ago.
Edited 34 days ago by Matt
I feel like I just dumped a funk grenade down my floor drain. kegged 7 different sour beers in the last day or so. didn't keep any slurries, sadly.
Posted 34 days ago.
Tabula Rasa.
Posted 34 days ago.
I have to say that the S. arlingtonesis appeals to me.
Posted 34 days ago.
I need to try to capture some wild yeast. It would be awesome if it turned out to be something somewhat clean but lightly fruity.
Then I could select some flocculent cells.
Then I could send it to Jeff!
Posted 34 days ago.
Do it! One of the batches I kegged was a coolship beer (admittedly that got some cantillon dregs when i was drunk) but it is clean and lightly fruity.
Posted 34 days ago.
Eventually I'll coolship some beer too, but I want something I can plate out and use as a pure culture in a saison or IPA or something else very Georgia inspired. Sweet potatoes, GA grown wheat or corn, something like that. Maybe put some sweet tea in it.
Posted 34 days ago.
I have plans to try it again this Autumn when daily temps are a little lower.
Posted 34 days ago.
According to Jean Van Roy vis-a-vis Vinnie C. on the Sour Hour, colder is better. Like, really cold. They won't brew with a high over 40 or a low under 20 IIRC. Also, surface area doesn't seem to be that big of a deal, it's mostly cooling speed. For homebrew sized batches, that frequently means insulating the boil kettle with a blanket or something and just leaving the top open.
Some brewers are just cooling their wort normally and introducing unfiltered air as another option if you don't want to do the coolship thing.Posted 34 days ago.