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So flapjackcarl, this was the bottle shipped with the leaky cap. Fortunately it was not flat, but I see now the bottle was a twist off with a crown. Check for those and recycle them.
California Common, 7b 2008 Style guidelines
Aroma: Med low hop aroma, mild pine - woody. Aroma builds as it warms. Could use more hop aroma. (For comp I would dry hop and fine just before packaging).
Appearance: Beautiful copper color with gold highlights. High Clarity, off white head falls to foam ring with fine to large bubbles. Laces
Flavor: Great balance between malt and hops. Light caramel flavors - no toast. Restrained mellow sweetness. Grainy. Lingering bitterness with a light mineral character. No diacetyl. No DMS.
Mouthfeel: Med Body, Med/Low carbonation (cap was leaking when received and recapped). No astringency. Low creaminess. Slightly acidic but cleansing to palette. Slightly warming.
Overall Impression: A maltier version of Anchor Steam. I really enjoyed this beer. Easy to drink, but seems slightly boozy for the style. Love it. For competition I would suggest more intense wood/pine or minty hop aromas without unbalancing the malts.
Total: 41/50
Thanks for sending this for review. Great drinking beer - make sure to enter this into the Dixie Cup this year! And hoping you submit this to the BU Challenge (if the ingredients qualify)!
Posted 34 days ago.
Edited 34 days ago by mchrispen
Nice review, now I want to try one!
Posted 34 days ago.
I've somehow still never done a Cal Common. One of these days :)
Posted 34 days ago.
Big thanks to mchrispen for his review. And I also have to say thanks to Brulospher seeing as this is his recipe.
I'm super excited to have actually gotten unbiased (I hope) feedback on one of my beers. I've been brewing for a while but haven't gone beyond personal consumption and sharing with my friends (and what friend is critical of a free beer). Looking forward to what you have to say on my other beers. Thanks Matt!
Posted 34 days ago.
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