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I just kicked my BU Kolsch. Only had 5 gals of it and when I bottle I lose a ton of beer. I hate that beergun.
Brett version looks ready to keg though. Looking forward to that.Posted 34 days ago.
Im telling you man, picnic tap, 1' of tubing that fits over it, and set your PSI at like...2-3.
works perfectly.
works perfectly.
Posted 34 days ago.
The worst part of the delays in judging were that my keg of ESB kicked about two days prior to the announcement. As a result, I had zero remaining ESB to celebrate with when the announcement came out. Alas.
Now I'm frantically brewing so that I'll have 5 beers ready when I get my keezer built in a few weeks
Posted 34 days ago.
I still have a bottle of each of my beers sitting in the keezer for when i get my scoresheets back.
Posted 34 days ago.
That would have been an intelligent choice for me to have made. I should have bottled extra when I bottled for the competition, but I did it the morning prior to going out of town and was short on time. Alas. Looking forward to score sheets though.
Posted 34 days ago.
I kicked my IPA with the last bottles when the announcement came. It was the same day I did a double brew day so I can have all 6 taps active for my Oregon Civil War Party at the end of November. I still have the brown on tap and it is going quickly as people have found out it did well. I am really bumming for not entering a third beer though after how I did on the other two for homebrew hero. Cheers to everyone that entered.
Posted 34 days ago.
What are the 4th place medals, anyway?
Posted 34 days ago.

Posted 34 days ago.