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I had meant to post this back in January, when I actually drank this beer. I took notes, then forgot to come back and post. Sorry!
Very Bad Elf (Ridgeway Brewing)
English Pale Ale / 7.5% ABV
25.4 oz bottle
Bottle - this is a 25 ounce bottle, so good for about a pint and a half, glasswise.
Appearance - pours a crystal clear, rich gold color with two plus fingers of fluffy, cream colored foam. The foam recedes rather quickly to a cap, leaving excellent lacing behind.
Aroma - strong biscuity, toasty malt aroma, with some light flowery hops sneaking around.
Flavor - this one is a bit odd. Biscuity, honey-like malt - with some caramel - is strong up front, but quickly gives way to resiny hop bitterness. There is a bit of a spicy character here, but what spices they might be are beyond my poor palate's ability to isolate.
What I do get is a bit of a harsh, astringent aftertaste that takes away from the beer. Too bad, because it's an otherwise interesting contrast between malt and hop.
Mouthfeel - overall carbonation level is fairly low, body is what I would describe as middle of the road - neither chewy nor easy drinking. There is a nice creaminess here that I do enjoy.
Overall - I'm not quite sure what to think of this beer. It's almost like the malt and hop elements are in competition as opposed to blending together. I do find that I enjoy this beer the further into it that I get, but the finish does take away from my enjoyment.
I wouldn't turn it down in the future, but I wouldn't actively seek it out, either.
Addendum - by the time I get to my second glass (and the beer has warmed), I do find that the aftertaste has all but disappeared (or I have gotten accustomed to it), and the caramel is more pronounced. I enjoy the second glass much more than the first. Perhaps this beer is better if you open it and let it breathe for a bit first?
Posted 34 days ago.
Edited 34 days ago by homebrewdad
Perhaps this beer is better if you open it and let it breathe for a bit first?
Posted 34 days ago.
Edited 34 days ago by vinpaysdoc
Heh, that too.
Posted 34 days ago.
I get the same freaky aftertaste you mentioned... but put it more as a really sharp mineral character. Frankly the best part of this beer (wife picked up a 6 pack of these 'funny' holiday beers) was the label.
Posted 34 days ago.
Maybe we should have a convention on these commercial beer reviews where we start the post by identifying the brewery, beer name, beer style (if available), ABV (if available), and package description.
I'm not sure I ever heard of very bad elf, so it send me scrambling to the googles.
Posted 34 days ago.
I'm with Chino. This sounds like the name of one of Olan's brews....
Posted 34 days ago.
Great point. I'll revise.
lol @vinpaysdoc.
Posted 34 days ago.
There ya go.
Posted 34 days ago.