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This is a first attempt at a serious topic.
With the addition of the forums, I think that it's time to revisit the sidebar once again.
To be honest, the sidebar ad does little for me. I get way more success from actual product links in articles and such. Also, that sidebar space is valuable.
I'm thinking that the five most recently updated forum topics need to go over there. I already have the utilities, the five most recent blog posts (need to re title this), five random articles, and the link partner links.
I'm thinking of moving the sidebar ad out completely; maybe putting a leaderboard style ad at the end of blog posts, maybe at the bottom of forum pages.
Posted 34 days ago.
I don't see any ads, but that's cause adblock. I like the idea of the last 5-10, which is about what I miss when I don't check my email. (would these include the secret posts?). Prob would want to make sure there is a way to filter out the joking material though if you're shooting for a more serious site, not sure how that would happen.
Posted 34 days ago.
You would see the secret area if you were logged in and could normally access it. If you're not logged in, or you don't have access, the last five would be limited to the last five public topics.
Posted 34 days ago.
I really like that idea. I like top 10 though, I imagine this is going to move fast if our small email club is any indicator.
Posted 34 days ago.
That's fine, I could see ten.
Posted 34 days ago.
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