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So I'm going back to basics, Barleywine with 100% Maris Otter. Yay or nay on a decoction mash to get a fuller, maltier characteristic? Would love thoughts!
Also considering boiling down the first runnings, per Olan's method, but dunno. May actually No-Sparge it, and then use the "second runnings" to boil down to a syrup rather than make a bitter or something.
Posted 34 days ago.
I like the no sparge + boiled down runnings approach and maybe some invert no.3 for added complexity. I'm not really sure decoction is what you want for this style, although feel free to experiment.
Posted 34 days ago.
Edited 34 days ago by uberg33k
I'll save a decoction experiment for a later day then. Boiled down runnings it is, will look into sugar. Thanks!
Posted 34 days ago.
Yeah has he said, unless you are giving it a German BSDM name... and German hops... Dominatrix Barelywine... Malt tortured through decoction...
Oversparge so it's really astringent...
Posted 34 days ago.
So bad it's good?
Posted 34 days ago.
"50 points of Brix"
Posted 34 days ago.
"50 Shades of Grain", 1 base malt and then 49 types of self-roasted crystal, pulled at varying points from the oven. Crystal 10L, Crystal 11L, Crystal 12L, and so on.
Posted 34 days ago.
If you can tell the difference between 10L and 11L grains, you're a better man than I.
Posted 34 days ago.
I can't always tell the difference in c10 and c20. C11? Hah.
Posted 34 days ago.
It would really be for "truth in advertising" so to speak
Posted 34 days ago.
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