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For the next release of my Homebrewing with Wood Primer I want to include a section with suggested recipes! I could provide them all myself, but it would be cool if other people with other experiences chimed in!
So far, I'll be including a Barleywine and an IPA. If you have pictures, that would also be awesome! I'll credit you in the primer (however you'd like to be credited).
Posted 34 days ago.
I... I don't think we know each other quite this well yet, do we?
Nah, kidding of course. I hope that you get a nice selection of recipes. I have yet to brew with wood, myself, though it's on the to-brew list.
Posted 34 days ago.
Hmm... my friend made a bangin' guava wood saison recently. I'll see if I can shake him down for the recipe.
Posted 34 days ago.
Awesome! Sounds excellent!
Posted 34 days ago.
Nice subject line. It belongs on BN radio.
What's the deadline? I have some Spanish cedar, and want to try to make an IPA inspired by a Cigar City beer I had, but I can't imagine getting it brewed, bottled, and tasted until the second half of this year, barring some increased productivity/inspiration in the brewhouse.
Also, I never, ever thought I'd say this, but fermentor space is a limiting factor right now. I have about 3.5 gallons of capacity (5-gallon BB). I've been waiting for a sale on Better Bottles or PET Big Mouths for a long time.
Posted 34 days ago.
>I've been waiting for a sale on Better Bottles or PET Big Mouths for a long time.
You and me both.
And no worries! No real deadline, once you have it finished I'll fit it into a release. Sounds awesome!
Posted 34 days ago.
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