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For the batch spargers here, do you stir during the mash? I've read that some brewers don't touch the mash after doughing in, some that stir every 15 or 30 minutes, and some that stir right before vorlauf.
Which method do you follow? Is there a benefit to stirring or leaving it to rest for the full mash time?
Posted 34 days ago.
Edited 34 days ago by Snoballz
I try to stir every 15 minutes or so (nothing serious, just one or two thorough stirs). I found my efficiency to go up after doing that and I can't think of what else could account for it.
Posted 34 days ago.
Batch sparger here; Coleman 62 quart cooler w/stainless braid.
I stir when I first dough in. At the end of the mash, I vorlauf and drain. I add my sparge water, stir like crazy, vorlauf and drain again.
I don't stir during the mash; I used to do so, but I really haven't seen any difference in my efficiency. As is, I can expect 74%-76% every time, and I'm happy with that.
Posted 34 days ago.
I open the tun and stir at 10 minutes and 50 minutes. I do so because I take pH and temperature readings at that time and I want the sample to be uniform. If I wasn't taking pH measurements I would just leave it alone.
Posted 34 days ago.
I've been reading about the all grain steps in anticipation of transitioning from extract to all-grain sometime in the next 12-18 months. Vorlauf is a new term for me, what exactly is this step?
Posted 34 days ago.
Vorlauf is the process of recirculating the wort so that the grain bed settles and the runnings become more clear. For example, at the end of the mash and prior to draining each sparge I stir vigorously. After stirring, I will drain 2 quarts of wort and put them back in the mash tun. I do this twice. What this does is help the grain bed to settle and filter the wort so less grain particles come through. You should notice the wort getting noticeably clearer as you drain the tun.
Of note, the benefits of doing this are suspect. Sure, it makes the brewer feel good that his/her wort looks pretty, but, does it really affect the taste? It may not. I still do it.
Posted 34 days ago.
I don't vorlauf. Also only mash 30 minutes unless I have a stuck mash or low enzymes. Stir at dough in and draining. Seems to work fine. I do like to no-sparge anything under about 1.080 too.
Posted 34 days ago.
I also vorlauf, I usually do 3 quarts though. Probably overkill, and probably not necessary, but I still do it. Can't imagine it affects anything though, it's just going to fall to the bottom anyways.
Posted 34 days ago.
I have a cooler mash tun and fly sparge, I stir every 10 min.. I also don't stir the last 15 min so the grain bed gets set.. I've been told by most commercial brewers that they constantly stir when they mash, so I've taken that to heart..
Posted 34 days ago.
I do not typically stir after dough in, but I stir a lot at dough in until the temp drops to the right mash temp.
Then, I usually let the batch sparge water sit for 20 minutes before vorlauf of the second runnings. I got about 80% efficiency on my recent Smash,
Posted 34 days ago.
I stir every ten minutes!
Posted 34 days ago.
I stir at dough in to make sure all the grain is wet, then I shut the lid of the cooler and don't touch it until vorlauf/draining. For sparge I usually just dump the water in, let it settle and then vorlauf/drain again without stirring, I figure dumping 6-8 gallons of water into the grain bed stirs it up enough.
Posted 34 days ago.
Thanks for all the replies. I guess it goes to show that there is no one way to do anything in homebrewing. As for me, I only have two all grain brews under my belt and both of those were unstirred except for dough in and after adding the sparge water.
Posted 34 days ago.
I plan to stir every 20 minutes. But sometimes I just have to mash in and leave it for a couple hours, or even overnight. However, I will stir about 5 minutes before lautering if I didn't stir earlier.
Posted 34 days ago.
Snoballz, that's the absolute truth. There are several ways to skin most brewing cats, and in many cases, none of them are particularly better than the next. What works for you and your setup is the right answer.
Posted 34 days ago.