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I was astonished last night that my AIPA is already really, really clear. Like, looks like it got gelatin (and it didnt). I think its been in the keg 2 weeks or so.
I guess normally my beers dont last that long, but 7.3% + having other beers on tap kinda helps.
I guess normally my beers dont last that long, but 7.3% + having other beers on tap kinda helps.
Posted 34 days ago.
Totally fair.
Posted 34 days ago.
Just thought I'd check in with my thoughts on this beer.
First off: nope, I don't think that I overdid the dry hop. The aroma is big, but that's what I wanted!
I do, however, think that I overdid it on the Mosaic. I wanted a fruit bomb, but I instead ended up with a ton of spicy resin that's overwhelming my intention. However, I did end up with huge hop flavor and aroma without overdoing the bitterness, so I can't complain too much.
I get a little impression of sweetness up front, but the bitterness and hop flavors run the show. Finish is plenty dry, body is very drinkable. Man, the head on this thing is nuts... talk about some crazy lacing!
I am very glad that I tried this thing after one day under pressure (40 lbs for 24 hours, turned down to 12 pounds after). Dan is right - I got these crazy huge green flavors on days one and two that have already started to round out a bit. I doubt that what I have now is what I'll have in a week or two, but this is really cool.
Heh, my wife says she is going to limit my exposure to you guys. I had - gasp! - two beers Friday night (my IPA, then Aaron's)... and then, two beers again Sunday night. Seeing as how I used to often skip beer days entirely, but have yet to do so since I started kegging, she says you guys are a bad influence on me. ;)
Posted 34 days ago.
One of us...one of us...one of us...
Posted 34 days ago.
Biggest downside of a keezer, by far. Drinking quantity increases substantially, which increases the amount of exercise required to stay healthy. Or decrease in food consumption, but forget that.
Posted 34 days ago.
I know this dilemma all too well...
Posted 34 days ago.