BrewUnited Terms of Service
Welcome to the BrewUnited community! We're stoked to have you.Honestly, we want to keep things informal. Nobody enjoys long, technical Terms of Service agreements, and despite the fact that we all check the "agree" box, few of us every bother to read them, anyway.
So, in an effort to simplify, by joining BrewUnited, you agree to abide by Wheaton's Law. If you can do that, odds are, we will never have an issue.
Of course, nothing in life ever seems to be that simple. So, please feel free to click to expand the Terms of Service a bit below.
- No trolling. What is trolling? We know it when we see it. We don't expect for everyone to get along, but people who spend the lion's share of their time tearing others down will be invited to find a community more suitable to them.
To expand on this tenet: everyone is welcome here. Homebrewing has a reputation as a white male's hobby, yet the 2013 AHA Homebrewer of the year was a black female... which is awesome. We both value and encourage diversity, and don't want this community to be an "old boy's club". In other words, treat everyone with the respect that you would like to receive.
- No spamming. Assuming that you are at least somewhat active in the community, we want you to share your blog/website/project with us. Link to your homebrew related content to your heart's content! Link to your non homebrew stuff in the spamvertize section of the forums. That being said, please don't post links to your pyramid schemes, diet pills, penis enlargement pumps, and similar actual spam. As above, we'll know it when we see it.
- Don't post pornography or the like. The reasons for this should be obvious - not the least of which being that our web host would shut the site down if we allowed this. Also, this is a hobby supposedly participated in by adults only, so while some profanity is not unexpected, please be reasonable. Collections of swear words for the heck of it aren't really what we need on the site.
- Likewise, don't post anything illegal. We don't want to get shut down because people post links to warez, bomb construction guides, recipes for homemade roofies, whatever. This extends to harmful activities like sharing of viruses, trojans, malware, and the like.
- You own your own intellectual property. If you choose to make a blog or article post, you get full credit for it. If you want to post it elsewhere (to your own blog, to another website, to another forum), go for it! We would rather you not post an exact duplicate of your post - Google will ding us both for duplicate content - but, whatever. Posting such a thing simply means you grant permission to display your content.
With that being said, pursuant to your agreement to follow Wheaton's Law, it is understood that if you post real content, you're not going to just take it down (don't be an Injun giver). It would suck if people get accustomed to finding a cool "how to" guide that you later pull off the site, but that's your right. However, if you post real content, then take it down, don't be surprised if you are prevented from posting content in the future. - Now, the technical crap. Sorry.
By using this website, you agree that you are twenty-one years of age or older (or of legal age to consume alcohol in your country).
You are solely responsible for maintaining the privacy and security of your account, including your own password. may communicate with you via email regarding your account, site updates, or other issues related to your account. will also occasionally communicate with you via email to alert you to contests or other special events. will not, however, use your contact information (including your email address) for any other purpose, including sale, lease, or trade to third parties for marketing services of any type. You may at any time opt out of email communication from by visiting your "my admin" page and choosing to "edit my account".
You are solely responsible for all content posted and activity that occurs under your account. claims no intellectual property rights over the content you upload or provide to any portion of the website. However, by using the website to share content, you agree that others may view and share your submitted content, and you grant non-exclusive, global permission to publish your content. may - but has no obligation to - remove content and/or user accounts related to content that we determine in our sole discretion to be unlawful, offensive, threatening, libelous, defamatory, pornographic, obscene, or otherwise objectionable or in violation of any party's intellectual property or these Terms of Service.
Your use of the website, including any content, information or functionality contained within it, is provided "as is" and "as available" with no representations or warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. You assume total responsibility and risk for your use of this website.
This Terms of Service agreement may be updated at any time, with or without notice. Your continued use of the website indicates your acceptance of any such changes.