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I am born-again: I brewed once in, um, 1993, and then not again until this winter. But I am glad to be back.
I expect to keep doing 1 gallon batches for a while. Since I am essentially starting over in the hobby, I will have a lot of questions -- like, will the recipe feature auto-magically scale recipes among batch sizes for us? (Math is hard.) Or, if I am too busy to go ll-grain, will my desire to talk about extract brewing make me an outcast and pariah? :7)
Very excited for you on your new venture!
- Will
Posted 34 days ago.
Why would extract make you an outcast? It's where most brewers start - and some choose to never leave.
Posted 34 days ago.
Rhode Island here as well, Cheers mate nice to see a little Rhody in the mix. Im from Warwick myself.
Posted 34 days ago.
WRT to extracts, I have seen some slurs against "Betty Crocker brewers." For me, it's like computers: I am responsible for the damn things all day at work, so when I get home I want them to Just Work so I don't have to endlessly tinker. :7) So the idea of being able to dump LME and hops into a kettle and make beer is magic: I can be snobby about making a lot of things from scratch, but this won't be it!
And beerguyfromri, I am up in Cumberland myself.
Posted 34 days ago.
Welcome from a neighbor to the north! Extract, partial mash, AG, it doesn't matter.
If you're making beer, you're welcome here!
Posted 34 days ago.
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