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For some time, I've toyed with the idea of a community brewing competition. I'm thinking that I'll make an official announcement (schedule, etc) once we make the go live to the new domain.
That said, I'd like to brainstorm a bit beforehand. Obviously, there are challenges to a competition that's mainly mail in - just ask the /r/homebrewing sub at reddit.
I think that the new and improved model for the reddit comp is a nice place to start - a few selected categories, BJCP registration, some cool prizes.
But we *would* be starting with a blank slate. So, intrepid peoples, what do you think would make for a successful competition?
Thanks for the feedback!
Posted 34 days ago.
The easiest thing to do, I think, would be to limit the comp to a single category or even style. IPA would seem the obvious choice that would draw the most entrants.
Posted 34 days ago.
IPA is probably also the style that loses the most from transportation, and probably gives keggers a bit of an advantage.
I dunno. i'd love to enter a competition or two, but shipping beers just doesnt seem productive to me. Theres far too many stories (some of them may be just that, stories) of beers ending up way different than they should be. I'd hate to send in a great beer, have it ruined in transport, but never know of its just my taste buds or in fact the shipping.
I dunno. i'd love to enter a competition or two, but shipping beers just doesnt seem productive to me. Theres far too many stories (some of them may be just that, stories) of beers ending up way different than they should be. I'd hate to send in a great beer, have it ruined in transport, but never know of its just my taste buds or in fact the shipping.
Posted 34 days ago.
Yeah, a single category makes sense. IPA does jump out to me, but as stated, it's the one most subject to decline during shipping.
Hrm. What about some sort of theme? Silly?
Posted 34 days ago.
American Pale Ale/Amber/Brown?
Posted 34 days ago.
I do think that it would be nice to have a couple of choices.
Posted 34 days ago.
Maybe a couple from different regions. British pale/bitter, American dark beer, german pils?
Posted 34 days ago.
I smell a poll!
Posted 34 days ago.
Man, I hate it when a pole dies under the shed... stinks so bad!
Posted 34 days ago.
I can help as much as you'd like, granted this is my first year running the comp. Use the typical brewing software if you want to run a comp. People are used to it, paypal can be integrated, and it works well. Totally worth it.
Posted 34 days ago.
Dude, I'm all for whatever help I can get!
Posted 34 days ago.
A pole dies under the shed.
Posted 34 days ago.
maybe it's a stupid idea, and maybe this isn't the time, but one thing I've been thinking about with my local club is doing a single style **single recipe** competition. Give out the recipe ahead of time (an AG and an Extract version) and have all the entries be the same ingredients. So it comes down entirely to process.
To an extent. Obviously pitching rate can change, water additions can change... whatever.
Feel free to ignore if you don't like it. I do think it would be difficult to get large enough participation since it would have to be a special brew.
Posted 34 days ago.
The only problem i see there is the difficulty of keeping people from adding something extra. Youre relying on a lot of honesty unless you force people to brew on site or whatever, and even then they cant use their temp control, etc.
Posted 34 days ago.
I like the idea, though.
Posted 34 days ago.