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Brewery: Avondale Brewing Co.
Style: IPA
ABV: 6.5%
I'm looking forward to this one; Avondale is a local (Birmingham based) brewery. I've met the head brewer, who is a super cool guy (with the requisite super funky beard), and I've enjoyed everything of theirs that I have tried (particularly their awesomely smooth vanilla porter).
Style: IPA
ABV: 6.5%
I'm looking forward to this one; Avondale is a local (Birmingham based) brewery. I've met the head brewer, who is a super cool guy (with the requisite super funky beard), and I've enjoyed everything of theirs that I have tried (particularly their awesomely smooth vanilla porter).
This came from a 12 oz can; my wife grabbed a sizer of them for me from a local Target.
Appearance: pours a cloudy warm gold with two fingers of fluffy off white foam. The foam recedes fairly quickly, though it does leave behind excellent sticky lacing.
Aroma: hoppy floral notes with a bit of lemon-lime to it. I get no real malt... or much of anything else. Aroma is honestly more muted than I like in my IPAs.
Flavor: bitter and hoppy up front. A little toasty malt is here, but it's quickly overwhelmed by the bitter, hoppy finish. Finish is a little astringent. There was a day that I would not have enjoyed this level of bitterness at all, but now, I merely note that "yep, that's bitter".
Mouthfeel: middle of the road. I have no problem putting down the glass, but I'd hardly call it sessionable, either. Carbonation level is fine, though I personally prefer a little more sting in this type of beer.
Overall: The can claims that this is a new twist on IPA. From what I can tell, this is a garden variety West Coast example. Truly, this is hopwater, with lots of bitterness seemingly for the sake of bitterness. Personally, I'd prefer more hop flavor, and definitely more hop aroma. The malt is barely enough to hold up the hops; if you are looking for a balanced brew, this is not that.
Don't get me wrong. This isn't a *bad* beer, and I wouldn't avoid it. However, I doubt that I would seek it out, either. The only thing really remarkable about this one is the bitterness; overall, it's just a fairly unremarkable IPA.
Posted 34 days ago.
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