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Unfortunately I don't live near many of the charter members, BrewCrewKevin and NecroPaw are both somewhat nearby, but otherwise I'm all by my lonesome in central illinois! Would love to have some group tastings organized for those who can make it, I'd listen to that podcast.
We should start a podcast.
Posted 34 days ago.
A podcast would be pretty nifty.
Posted 34 days ago.
It isn't beyond the scope of what you are doing already really, especially if a few people split up duties over the course of a month, so if there was a different "show" or two each week, meaning a different person did it, so each person would be responsible for one fifteen-thirty minute podcast? Do-able, if there was interest. People are always asking about homebrewing resources and podcasts.
May even ask on the subreddit to see if there is interest.
Posted 34 days ago.
I love the idea of a podcast, and if we split it up, it would be less onerous.
I have to say, though, I have no idea how I'd run an episode.
Also - I think that a podcast discussion needs to go in its own thread. :)
Posted 34 days ago.
Can I send homebrew to anyone to sample? I feel confident that I have my setup dialed in, so now I'd like to work on better recipe formulation and other little things here and there (and water chemistry, which is making me regret never taking a chemistry class).
I'm not looking for God-tier BJCP/Cicerone level feedback, just honest opinions from homebrewers who know more than I do.
Posted 34 days ago.
I'd follow the directions on the first page, and one (or more) of us will be happy to review it. We don't have to do BJCP if you don't want us to.
Posted 34 days ago.