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Hi everyone!
I am new here, but maybe somebody can help me with my issues
The person, responsible for the maintenance is currently in hospital, so we need to recondition the depallletizer for the bottling line. We need to replace the bearings for more reliable. Our bearings are good only during 5- 6 months and then they needs replacement. We do not want to have any downtime in futureā¦
Now we use these bearings by hubcity. www.mrosupply.com/bearings/mounted-be... But it would be perfect to find something more quality, maybe by European manufacturers.
Who can advice any provider?
Thanks for any suggestions!
Posted 34 days ago.
I don't ha e an answer for you, and I'm not sure anyone here will. You may try www.reddit.com/r/thebrewery/
I think you'll have better luck there
Posted 34 days ago.
I agree with flapjackcarl. Most of the people here are homebrewers, and likely won't have experience with pro equipment like that. Good luck!
Posted 34 days ago.
ProBrewer forum: discussions.probrewer.com/forumdispla...
LinkedIn Brewery engineering forum www.linkedin.com/groups/4539572
Posted 34 days ago.
Where are you working that needs help? Round Rock implies a couple of breweries...
I am in Bastrop and know a few folk... including Forest at Rogness Brewery.
Posted 34 days ago.
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