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Why not a BOS for each category? In essence you are creating three mini-competitions here.
Posted 34 days ago.
I guess that would be BOC, not BOS
Posted 34 days ago.
We just lined up our sixth sponsor! Woo, prizes!
Posted 34 days ago.
Edited 34 days ago by homebrewdad
So, an update on the name.
After a lot of deliberation, I've decided that I'm probably not going to come up with some catchy, super cool name.
Also, The BrewUnited BrewChallenge of Brewing by Brewers seems a bit long.
So, unless something pops up to really influence things, the official name will be "The 2015 BrewUnited Challenge".
Which was a leading suggestion in this thread to begin with.
Posted 34 days ago.