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Yep! You get to keep the shiny website and community that the competition helped build!
Posted 34 days ago.
Heh. One day, the forum posts and community activity will start pouring in...
Posted 34 days ago.
Regarding smoked malts, Weyermann's Oak Smoked wheat is quite nice. In a Grodziskie, it provides only a moderate amount of smokiness as long as you target a low abv (around 3%) even though it's 100% of the grain bill. Combined with very high carbonation (3.2 vols CO2) it was a very enjoyable summer beer.
I did use it in another beer, but not enough of it to be detectable. I'm tempted to design something where it would be 1/3 to 1/2 of the grain bill, the rest being a barley base malt (maybe MO?).
Posted 34 days ago.
Gruuk, that sounds awesomely bizarre.
I like the cut of your jib.
Posted 34 days ago.
Chino needs to brew it alongside his 50% C60 beer.
Posted 34 days ago.
I have 1 lbs of Cherry Smoked and 1 lbs of Mesquite Smoked malts that have been sitting for almost a year now. I feel bad because the smoke has probably faded. I should really use those soon.
Do you think 1 lbs of year old smoked malts would give much? What kind of beer? Thinking of brewing 2 of the same beer but with each malt. Maybe scottish 70, mild, or porter?
Has anyone used the mesquite malt yet? Just came out last year.
Posted 34 days ago.
Starter is spinning. I am stoked!
I have not personally used mesquite malt, but my LHBS guy did a mesquite wheat... it's pretty delicious. Tastes like barbeque smoke, big time.
Posted 34 days ago.