I Welcome Baby Number Seven, and I Plan a Special Beer
At 11:17 AM on June the 22nd, 2015, Elowyn Fae - our seventh child - was born. She weighed six pounds, eleven ounces, and was nineteen and a half inches long. I like to say that she was an expedited* C-section, due to the fact that my wife was fairly sick, and the baby was showing some classic signs of distress (elevated fetal heart rate, decreased movement). She wasn't yet thirty-eight weeks of gestational age, and ended up with some minor complications; she had some breathing issues (namely, breathing way too fast), and had to go to the transition nursery for a few hours. In fact, she was a half hour from getting admitted to the NICU, but she finally settled down, and since then, has done quite well.
* - expedited C-section: not a full "emergency" section, as they did the normal prep, gave my wife an epidural, etc. However, they did bump the scheduled C-sections back, and went ahead and took my daughter first, as they were worried that she needed to be born sooner rather than later.
Once we got settled into a normal room, my wife presented me with an absolutely killer gift... check it out.

Yes, this is that awesome.
If you are having trouble reading it, the onesie reads "Home Brewed". I'd ask if my wife was awesome or what, but the answer is pretty obvious.
If you are curious what seven kids looks like, here you go.

Left to right: Wynter (17 months), Caleb (17 years), Jonah (5 years), Elowyn (newborn), Noah (7
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I like the amber lager idea
posted by lizzard on 6/24/2015 at 02:03:31 AM
Congrats Olan!! so glad to hear that she is healthy
posted by blur_yo_face on 6/24/2015 at 12:43:04 PM
You are correct - you are a blessed man for having that many kids. I am 3rd oldest of 8 and can say that it's a blessing having that many siblings as well. Congratulations & cheers!
posted by lucashennessey on 6/25/2015 at 10:01:40 AM
Congratulations, you truly are blessed! I love the "promoted to big sister shirt" :)
posted by MrDustpan on 7/10/2015 at 12:27:52 PM
Thanks, all!
posted by homebrewdad on 7/10/2015 at 01:05:44 PM
Tags for this post: baby, seven, children, born, princesses, beer, noble, hops